Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Before I Leave.

(Disclaimer: the people that will be reading this blog vary from educated bike fanatics to... my friends (sorry Brian!) Therefore I will be mixing technical terms and basic descriptions to describe the world of biking)
Tomorrow I leave for California. As is the norm in the world of stand bye travel, my flights have all filled up. My original plan was to fly to Houston and to catch a connecting flight to Orange County (the airport closest to Anaheim). Of course, plan A is always just a decoy to fool the angry airline gods. My plan B was to go to Houston anyway and hope that I could catch a flight to either Orange County or LA. But as of about an hour ago every flight from Houston to any airport in the LA area (there are about a jillion (actually only three)) has been overbooked. Now I am looking at the non-stop from Cleveland to LA. This is probably my last choice and it was looking good until I found out that the only bus service from LA to Anaheim that runs at a time when I can catch it wants to charge me 100 bucks for my bike... My travel agents (parents) and I will figure something out.
This afternoon I had a new crankset (the arms that connect to the pedals, the spiky chain rings, and the bracket that connects the two sides through the frame) fresh from ebay installed on my bike. It was a compact crankset (it has smaller gears), which will considerably aid my hill climbing through the Rockies and the Appalachians. Fortunately (because of several persuasive emails) I was able to get the ebay seller to mail it via express mail. Good thing considering it arrived 1 mere hour before the deadline that Eddie's Bike Shop gave me. phew!
Ok. Im gonna wrap this up now because I doubt any of you actually read the whole thing. I had to take advantage of the full keyboard because during the trip I will probably be posting via my ipod touch. Needless to say my posts will be considerably shorter.
Well, Wish me luck!
Oh, and if you want me to post about anything in particular just mention it in a comment on one of my posts.


  1. Go Carl Go! Youdaman. Good luck and ride safe.

  2. So do you start with your original crankset and then switch to the new one in Utah and then back for the plains or just stay with the climbing set for the whole ride?
    Sounds like an exciting plan and we will definitely follow your progress. Can you add a map link showing your progress? Good luck from the Leichters

  3. I will be going with the compact crank the whole way.

    I don't know what map site will work for what you asked. If you have one in mind I'd be happy to, but I will also give where I am in the posts.
